Since its inception in the 1950’s, Teen Ranch has benefited from the generosity of people and organisations who believe in and are willing to support this unique ministry.  Support in the form of financial gifts, service, donated items or even ideas are always greatly appreciated and we are thankful for any support we receive.

Prayer is perhaps the best way you can support the mission of Teen Ranch.  The fact that the Ranch has survived over 60 years can be directly attributed to the prayers of the saints in upholding the staff and mission.

Yes, we do!  The first sibling will pay the full price of camp but each subsequent sibling will receive a 5% discount off the cost of their camp.  Be sure to provide the office with a list of any siblings attending the same camp so this discount can be included in the final cost.

Don’t let that stop you from booking a camp with us!  If we have another small group wishing to book we may book them at the same time as your camp.  If this happens we will do what we can to keep your camps separate, including housing you both in different accommodation blocks and keeping your activities separate.  Occasionally, such as at mealtimes or during free time, you may be required to use the same space (e.g., the dining hall), but we will do what we can to keep this to a minimum.

Alternatively, if you wish to have sole use of the campsite, you could pay for the minimum number of campers to ensure it is so.

Yes, you do!  Anyone who works at Teen Ranch, whether paid or volunteer, who is over 18 years old, needs to provide us with their current WWCC number.  Until this has been checked and clearance has been granted, you will be unable to work on our site.

To apply for a WWCC number, you can visit the Service NSW website.